Let the world know what you desire

Wishlistr is an easy to use web-based application that will help you collect, organize and keep track of the things you want. It also makes it easy to share those things with friends and family. What’s on your wishlist?

Get started — it’s free!
Illustration: Woman creating a wishlist

Collect and organize

Wishlistr helps you collect and organize all the things you want in one convenient place. Never again lose track of the items you wish for and make gift-giving a breeze for your loved ones by sharing your organized wishlist with them.

Add from anywhere

With our browser extensions you can add items from anywhere on the web with just a click of a button. Whether you're browsing your favorite online store or a friend's post on social media, adding items to your wishlist has never been easier.

Make it yours

With a variety of themes to choose from you can customize your wishlist and make it truly yours. From minimalistic to colorful and vivid, we have a theme that will match your taste and occasion.

  • Organize with tags

    Organize your wishlist with tags to group your items by type, price range or any other category you can think of.

  • Mobile friendly

    Manage your wishlist anytime, anywhere with our mobile-friendly platform that allows you to access your list on the go.

  • See what’s hot

    Stay on top of trends and discover new must-haves by exploring our platform to see what items are most desired right now.

  • Multiple lists Coming soon

    Easily manage multiple lists for different occasions and recipients with our online wishlist tool.

Find your friends

Know someone who’s on Wishlistr? Try our user search and find your friends. If you sign up you can follow them and be kept up to date on the things they add to their wishlists.

Search by name, username or email address.

Join 500,000+ others and start building your wishlist today.

Get started — it’s free!