
We are a small sanctuary for rescued, abused and unwanted (mostly) farmed animals. Located in the middle of dairy farming country, in the picturesque foot hills of the Strzelecki Ranges of Victoria's South-West Gippsland, we provide a home to 100+ individuals on 42 acres.

Big Sky is a not for profit, mostly self-funded sanctuary. We are thankful for all types of support. Whether that be financial or practical donations, volunteering or sharing our news with others.

If you purchase any of these items online you can use the following delivery address:

1655 Korumburra-Warragul Road, Strzelecki VIC 3950

If you happened to purchase an item on the wishlist please shoot us a PM on our FB page as we may be able to remove it from the list if it's a one-off item.

Thanks so much for your support! :)

Wishlist Stats

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    14 Items
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    538 Clicks

Last item added September 28, 2017.