
  • Journaling Notebooks

    The notebooks that work best for my journaling/memory-keeping needs.

  • Protective Deer Netting x 1

    Absolutely necessary in order to get anything from our crops with our very lovely but very hungry visitors.

  • Beekeeping Gloves That Fit, sizes Small and Medium

    Right now I'm working with a gifted size XL. It makes it very hard to stay coordinated and careful with the bees. Both sizes will accommodate both weather-related changes (I'm right on the edge between sizes) AND helpers.

  • Bumblebae's Bee Jacket

    Size 4XL. For my fiance to join me in the beekeeping duties.

  • Zine Notebooks

    Literally any color will do, but the large squared cahiers have a center stitch that lets me push the pages flat and remove them at will, enough space to make lots without feeling dwarfed, and a perfect visual reference for space that isn't distracting.

  • Hot Weather + Visitor Veil

    A veil-and-vest that keeps bees off the face without overheating. Perfect for visitors watching from past the fence.

  • Writable Aluminum Tags (for plant marking)

    As it becomes abundantly clear that I need some help keeping track, these tags are weatherproof enough to let me mark the plants and require no new manufacturing.

  • Beekeeping Chore Calendar Stickers

    Specialty calendar/planner stickers for a full year's worth of apiary chores and benchmarks to help me keep track.

  • Nine-frame Slatted Rack (for beehives)

    Gives the bees extra space and ventilation; quickly becoming apparent that, with my vision issues, this is also going to be an essential tool for spacing frames properly and avoiding burr comb.

  • Flour sacks

    To clean and repurpose as paper towel replacements, without paying someone to make more waste by manufacturing new.

  • Plexiglass Inner Lids (2)

    Plexiglass inner lids let us take a quick look at our friends in between inspections, with less stress on them. This is the very local supplier we bought our hives from, so their plexi inner lids will fit perfectly to the hives.

  • Ten-frame Metal Queen Excluder

    Why metal and unframed? Not just for budget purposes, but because it makes sanitizing it in a worst case scenario easy and thorough. This keeps the queen from wandering up into the honey supers and laying eggs in their food storage!

  • Mesquite Tarot

    A tarot for self-care, geared toward and including people who are typically marginalized

  • Bujo Planner Date Stamp

    Cuts my work when doing entries in the busy season, and the cost of getting stickers.

  • Bujo Planner "Punch Card" Habit Stamp

    To help me track, reinforce, and visualize important habits to make or break, without the recurring cost of stickers or the extra work of drawing charts by hand.