My Wishlist

If you buy any of these items, please come back to this list and click the "Reserve" link to mark which item(s) you purchased. This will help ensure that Gabriel Smith does not get duplicate gifts.

  • [figma] E.M.M.I.

    Counterpart to the Samus DREAD figma I got last christmas, this will complete the set. Probably better to save this as a birthday gift since it releases all the way in May though and no preorders. Woops. Missed that window.

  • [fimga] Mio (XC3)

    Good customization options to a character I like from Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Figma does good stuff every once in a while. Also missed the preorder period for this but the product itself releases in February for purchase.

  • Other Stuff

    I am asking for specifics here, but of course don't expect any of it. I will be happy with whatever you guys give me. Happy shopping.